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Kamis, 23 April 2015


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konbanwa minasan..... do you know why i like anime so much? because it's come from our imagination.we can make the imposible come true like a ninja,magic,the talking animal and of course to be a princess.and this anime that i want to show you is the first anime that i watch


Genre : romance,fantasy
 Syinopsis :
In the floating continent of Neo Verona, the Montague family seized control and murdered every member of the Capulet family with the exception of Capulet's daughter, Juliet Fiammata Asto Capulet. 14 years later, Juliet and the remnants of Capulet's retainers live hidden from the iron fist of the Montague family. Juliet has long forgotten the murder of her family or her identity, and cross dresses as Odin and the town's hero of justice, "Red Whirlwind". A sudden escape in her daily escapades leads her to meet Romeo Candorebanto Montague, the kind son of the tyrannical Montague. Destiny has been set as these two individuals soon to be "star-crossed lovers" are cruelly toyed with by fate in the midst of war. Loosely based on the play by William Shakespeare.

Character :
Juliet Fiammata Asto Capulet 

 Juliet Fiamatta Asto Capulet is the last member of the Capulet family. She masquerades as a boy, Odin, in order to avoid being caught by the usurping House of Montague, who still actively look for the Capulets. An excellent swordsman, she also masquerades as a vigilante, the Red Whirlwind, in order to aid the people oppressed by the rival Montagues. Initially, Juliet has no recollection of her troubled past and chafes at being forced to dress as a boy. The truth of her heritage is revealed to her by Conrad on her sixteenth birthday. Her memories of the fateful night 14 years ago float to the surface soon after she unsheathes the Capulet Ghat. Even so, Juliet at first claims that she has no desire for revenge. But after witnessing the death of a Red Whirlwind ally, Lancelot, she steels her resolve for vengeance. She discards her male disguise and leads a rebellion of Capulet loyalists against Montague. She is pacifistic and kind by nature, and tries to find alternative solutions to conflicts other than killing or violence.

She is often torn between her responsibilities as the last Capulet and her love for Romeo. She falls in love with him at their brief meeting at the Montague Rose Ball, only managing to introduce herself when they meet again in a field of irises. When she learns Romeo is from the Montague family, she tries unsuccessfully to distance herself from him. They eventually escape from their responsibilities and pledge themselves to each other in an abandoned temple, living in peace for a time. They were captured by Montague pursuers and taken back to Neo Verona, where Juliet was imprisoned as a criminal. Before she escaped with her allies, Romeo promises to make a future a future of peace. Since this time, she considers Lord Montague as her family and only fights to bring peace to Neo Verona, as her part of her vow with Romeo. She is well-liked by the people and they eventually join her in rebellion Monatague.

 Romeo Candorebanto Montague


Romeo Candore Van de Montague is the son of Lord Laertes Montague and Lady Portia. He is heir to the throne of Neo Verona. For political reasons, he has been forced into an unwanted engagement with Hermione, a young noblewoman. As a nobleman, he rides and owns a ryūba named Cielo whom he later freed. In contrast to his father, he is obedient and kindhearted, often disapproving of his family's method of ruling with tyranny. He is ostracized by the nobility save for his friend, Benvolio.

Like Juliet, he too is torn between his responsibilities to his father and his love for Juliet to a lesser degree. Though he meets her in her other persona at different times, he fell in love with Juliet after two meetings: once at the Montague Rose Ball and another in a field of irises. Confused by her attempts to distance herself from him, he reexamines the graves where he first met Juliet as Odin and consults with his mother, Portia, learning that Juliet is the last daughter of the Capulets. Regardless of her heritage, he still loves her. Thanks to the aid given by Portia, and they attempt to live their lives in peace for a brief time and, similar to the play, recites marriage vows with Juliet in secret, granting her childhood dreams to be a beautiful bride. They're ultimately captured when while protecting a small town raided by the Carabinieri. Before she escapes, he swears to her that he will work for a world where everyone -noblemen and common folk alike- can live together in peace.

Banished to the Grandia mines for helping Juliet's reunion with her allies, Romeo truly learns the hardships of poverty and their spite for the Montague name when he volunteered to serve as a miner. When the mines experience a serious cave in, he orders the mines to be abandoned and the prisoners free to return to Neo Verona. When refused permission to return to Neo Verona, he leads everyone from the mines to ruins of a deserted town, and promises they could bring their families to live with them once the time was right. Near the end of the series, he had gained their respect and solidified a prosperous and plentiful village nearly from scratch.

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